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Bandpass & Notch Filters

Trim filters, also commonly known as cut-off or dichroic filters, are advantageous for a variety of applications. Common uses include optical noise reduction for bar-code readers and wavelength band isolation for fluorescence applications. Trim filters are often used in conjunction with absorptive filter glasses to form band pass filters.

Band Pass Filters

These Band Pass Filter coatings transmit varying wavelength bands, which are determined by two cutoff wavelengths. Filters can be made at any given wavelength from near ultraviolet to near infrared.

Bandpass Filter Graph

Notch (Minus) Filter

Notch filters block a relatively narrow band of wavelengths between shorter and longer pass bands. This example narrow band minus filter has a nominal bandwidth of 110nm with an average reflection of more than 99% over a nominal bandwidth of 30-40 nm. The pass bands have an average transmission of 90%. Custom made minus filters are available on request.

Notch (Minus) Filter Graph

Color Temperature Filter for Metal Halide Lamps

This Color Temperature Filter suppresses down the high peak areas in the blue and green that are output by the lamps to have a more level loaded color output response. More white and not as “cold” a color.

Dual Notch Filter Graph

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