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Glass Metrology

At Abrisa Technologies, our metrology capabilities are an integral part of what we do. At various stages in the manufacturing process as well as before final packaging, all of our parts are thoroughly inspected to ensure compliance to customer requirements. Parts are both visually and dimensionally inspected using a wide range of industry standard measurement & inspection equipment as well as state-of-the-art machinery for compliance.

Metrology Equipment

Typically Used by Abrisa Technologies

  • Spectrophotometers
  • Micro-VU Three Axes Measurement Machine
  • Surface Testing Machines (Waviness and Roughness)
  • Calipers and Micrometers
  • Micro-Flat Plates
  • Optical Comparators
  • MOR’s and Surface Test Compression Equipment
  • FSM 6000LE “New in 2012” to support Chemical Strengthening (HIE™ product line)

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