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Infrared (IR) Coatings

Covert, Semi-Covert & Blackeye

Typically used with infra-red cameras, scopes, and night vision goggles for surveillance, these filters enable infrared energy to be emitted from a variety of light sources while blocking visible energy, avoiding detection by the unaided eye.


Any glass substrate
1.1mm, 1.75mm, and 3.3mm
Up to 24" in diameter

Covert Filter

Covert Filter Graph

This covert filter design blocks energy with wavelengths shorter than 825nm.

Semi-Covert Filter

Semi-Covert Filter Graph

This semi-covert filter design transmits more of the near infrared energy. These filters are used with imaging systems requiring greater sensitivity to wavelengths 800-900nm.

Blackeye Filter

Blackeye Filter Graph

This unique filter consists of a two piece optically coated substrate designed to block the visible output of a light source from as close as 3 feet. Transmittance is ≤1.0% average from 400 to 890 nm and ≥65% average from 950 to 2500nm. Reflectance is ≤5.0% average from 400 to 700 nm. It is ideally suited for use with night vision equipment or CCD cameras for short or long range surveillance applications.

MWIR-BBAR 3-5 Microns

IR-BBAR 3-5 Microns Graph

This Mid Wave Infrared (MWIR) AR coating provides a low level of reflectance for the mid-infrared spectrum (3000nm to 5000nm). Band averaged reflectance is less than 1.0% at normal incidence.

LWIR-BBAR 8-12 Microns

IR-BBAR 8-12 Microns Graph

This Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) AR coating provides a low level of reflectance for the far-infrared spectrum (8µm to 12µm). Band averaged reflectance is less than 1.0% at normal incidence.

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