Precision Thin Film Coatings Capabilities
Abrisa Technologies’ ZC&R Coatings for Optics delivers unique precision thin film coating solutions on fabricated glass, wafers, filter glass and other materials of our or customer supply. Our design engineers work closely with customers to understand both the application and their business needs so that our solutions not only meet optical performance needs but include considerations for “fitness for use” and of course, economies of scale. Coated solutions are offered from 200nm in the UV to 20 microns in the far infrared.

Anti-Reflective & Sunlight Readable
- Photopic & Oleophobic AR for Displays
- Narrowband V-Coat for Lasers & Scanners
- Broadband UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR AR for Imaging
- Wide Angle 0-52º AR for LIDAR & Sensors
Beam Splitter & Partial Transmitters
- Standard, Polarizing, Non-Polarizing, Hybrid
- Partial Transmitters for Security, Hidden LCD
- Neutral Density & Dark Mirrors
Bio/Chemical Compatible & Protective
- Autoclavable for Medical & Dental
- Selective & Absorptive for Bio/Chemical Sensing
- Chemically Compatible for Bonding or Processing
- UV Transmissive for Curing or Fluorescence
Defense & IR Control
Mirror, Metallic & Bus Bar
- Gold, Silver, Aluminum, Enhanced Aluminum
- All Dielectric – Laser, Select & Broadband
- Bus Bars – CrNiAu, Ag Epoxy, Ag Frit
Transparent Conductive (ITO/IMITO)
- Heater & Anti-Fog
- EMI Shielding
- LC Electro-Optic Switching & Filtering