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Anti-Reflection & Non-Glare Glass

Abrisa Technologies offers an expanded range of standard stock non-glare (NG), anti-reflection (AR) and anti-reflection coated non-glare (NG/AR) glass and custom solutions, ready to be fabricated to your exact specifications. The display designer and integrator now have 3 options from which to choose to best suit their needs for reduced reflection and glare, throughput efficiency for display brightness, and for maintaining image quality.

Bare Glass Reflection

Bare Glass
>4% Reflection

Anti-Reflective Coated Glass Reflection

AR Coated Glass
<0.5% Reflection

Standard Non-Glare (NG) Soda Lime Glass

  • Sheet Sizes Up To 78″ x 46″
  • 60, 90 & 120 Gloss (Thicknesses 1.1, 1.9, 3.0mm)


  • 1 or 2 Sides NG
  • Additional Values from 60 to 130 Gloss
  • Anti-Reflection Coating, 1 or 2 Sides
  • Low Iron, Low Sparkle
  • HIE™ Aluminosilicate

Anti-Reflection (AR) Coated Glass

  • Sheet Sizes Up To 126″ x 88″
  • R < 0.5% Photopic (Thicknesses 0.7 to 3.0mm)


  • 1 or 2 Sides AR
  • Oleophobic/Hydrophobic
  • Low Expansion – SCHOTT Borofloat®
  • Non-Alkaline – Corning® Eagle XG®
  • Thin Glass – SCHOTT D263®, AGC EN-A1
  • HIE™ Aluminosilicate – SCHOTT AS 87, Corning® Gorilla® Glass, AGC Dragontrail™

Non-Glare & Anti-Reflection Glass Throughput Efficiency – Transmission

Non-Glare & Non-Glare + AR

Non-Glare & Non-Glare + AR Graph

Anti-Reflection Coated Soda Lime

Anti-Reflection Coated Soda Lime Graph

Non-Glare (NG), Anti-Reflection (AR) & NG/AR Glass Benefits

Anti-Reflection (AR) coated glass helps diminish surface reflections while increasing light throughput or brightness of the viewed image over moderate wavelength and angular ranges. Standard AR coated glass is not diffusive and is therefore able to maintain the highest levels of image resolution and clarity.

Non-glare (NG) glass is etched to produce uniform and evenly diffusive surfaces that disperse reflected light, preventing glare even at extreme angles. The lower the gloss level, the more diffusive the surface and the less glare but with some sacrifice of resolution and throughput efficiency of the viewed image. Anti-reflection coated NG glass (NG/AR) combines a bit of both; improvement of throughput efficiency, reduction in photopic specular reflectance of NG glass alone and retention of diffusive surfaces for reduced glare over large angles. Abrisa Technologies offers all 3 options and custom solutions to fit your needs.

Non-Glare (NG) & Anti-Reflection (AR) Glass Comparison

Viewing Angle
Reflectance per Side (Photopic Specular)
Spectral Usage Range
Clarity & Resolution
Touch Glide
Material Availability
Non-Glare Soda-Lime Glass
Reduced throughput
Large angle 0 - 60° performance
Typical 6 - 8% for 1 side NG
Photopic & 340 - 1800nm
Clarity trade-off by gloss level
Minimized ghosting seen
Enhances "glide" response
Soda-lime, low iron, low sparkle
Chemical strengthening & heat tempering
AR Coated Non-Glare Soda-Lime
Moderate throughput
Good 0 - 30°, moderate @ 45°
Typical 0.25 - 0.75% for 1 side NG
Photopic and 425 - 900nm
Some trade-off by gloss level
Minimizes ghosting seen
Enhances "glide" response
Soda-lime, low iron, low sparkle
Chemical strengthening and heat tempering before coating
AR Coated Soda-Lime
Enhanced throughput
Good 0 - 30°, custom for 0-50°
Ravg < 0.5%
Photopic, 425 - 725nm and custom
Retains clarity and resolution
Ghosting limited by % reflection
Similar to uncoated glass
On soda-lime, low iron, low sparkle custom coating available
Specialty HIE™ chemical strengthening and tempering before coating

Indicates best performance

Gloss 120 Level - No AR

Gloss 120 Level – No AR

Gloss 90 Level - No AR

Gloss 90 Level – No AR

Gloss 60 Level - No AR

Gloss 60 Level – No AR

Photopic Specular Reflectance for AR, NG and NG/AR Soda Lime Glass

Non-Glare & Non-Glare + AR Graph

AR Coated Non-Glare Soda Lime

Non-Glare Soda Lime Graph

Non-Glare Soda Lime

AR-VIS07 Coated Soda Lime Graph

AR-VIS07 Coated Soda Lime

AR-VIS13 Coated Soda Lime Graph

AR-VIS13 Coated Soda Lime

AR-VIS20 Coated Soda Lime Graph

AR-VIS20 Coated Soda Lime

AR-VIS399 Coated Soda Lime Graph

AR-VIS399 Coated Soda Lime

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